Monday, February 23, 2009

I think I need some Respidol

It's sad and pathetic when you're 23 and you've had enough with corporate America.

I hate working beneath, side by side, or above people.

I'm not a people person. I'm an artist, with a vision and I just work and put things together effortlessly.

The things that come oh so Nat-ur-el to me, will someday turn into a full time career.
However, I don't want them to become mundane and then I just end up abandoning what I love the most.

It's a relief to jot down up and coming ideas.

It's splendid bliss when I can't find any paper and I resort to writing on napkins and stow them away for a rainy day.

It's adrenaline pushing when I see my future revolving around true artistry at it's finest and doing what I think is right for the gander.

I work off of two things. And common sense isn't one of them.

Sex and Aggression.

just plain 'ole instinct.

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