Monday, April 27, 2009

Chicks got a new wig, I mean Gig

So recently I re chopped my locs off because I was starting to look like the cat lady from the Simpsons, except with dreads.

Not a good look Miss X, not at all.

And I was pleased with the new cut, especially the length that it grew since I originally cut it.

Excitement all day everyday.....

But as of recent, I'm just watching every chick fly by and find myself wondering is their hair real?

Don't get me wrong, to each is their own and if you buy the hair, although you weren't born with it, it's yours.

It's not that I'm knocking those who track up their hair, I just feel much envy for those who can suddenly have change of heart and have short hair on Monday and long hair on Saturday.

Teetering on bangs or no bangs.

Asymmetrical or symmetrical.

You feel me?

Dammit, I believe that you should try everything at least once in your life. Minus the obvious things you should neva try; crack cocaine ring a bell?

But ya'll know what I mean.

I want my weave and I want my Indian Virgin Hair NOW!!!!

Remi is preferred!!!!


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